Facebook is more than just a social media platform. With its massive number of users, it is a great place to do your marketing. To put things into perspective, you are looking at more than 2 billion active monthly users. So, the potential is huge, it is just a matter of knowing how to get mortgage leads from Facebook.

Take Advantage of Ads

The easiest way to market in Facebook is no other than with the use of their ads. While it may cost some investment, it can guarantee the highest returns.

What makes Facebook ads great and why it stands out from what others are offering is that you can target them. You can set your ads to only appear to people who are likely going to be mortgage clients.

This is possible through Facebook’s collection of user data. So, you are looking at high accuracy when targeting your ads.

Another thing to take note is that Facebook has flexible payment options. You can choose between pay-per-click, you get charged for every person that clicks your ad, or cost per mille, which is paying based on the number of impressions your ad gets.

When talking about mortgage, you have a niche market. Being able to target your ads ensures that you are putting all your effort on people that have the potential to become leads. Therefore, saving you both time and money, along with guarantying results.

Keep Your Audience Engaged to Attract Mortgage Leads in Facebook

Marketing in Facebook is not too far off from marketing in other platforms. That includes capitalizing on engagement.

Going back to the basics, the more you keep your market engaged, the more they keep coming back. Little by little, you are creating loyalty. In the end, either they start to need a mortgage and you are the one who has always been there or you are the one who has persuaded them that they need a mortgage.

Either way, they are not going to look far and choose your services over everything else. And that’s all because you kept them engaged.

Engagement comes in different forms. It can be,

  • Surveys and polls on your page
  • Articles, videos, and other forms of informative content
  • Posts that start a conversation
  • Replying to comments and messages

As you can see, unlike other platforms, Facebook is great for engagement. It has a lot of features which makes sure that from the smallest to the biggest type of engagement, you are able to deliver something to your audience.

When there is always something for someone, you make sure to appeal to their taste. And it only takes one right approach to get a person on board and easily convert them into a lead.

Retarget Your Facebook Ads to Hook in Mortgage Leads

They say that the first time isn’t always going to be the best. And that serves true with your Facebook ads. Don’t expect at first glance, every person is going to click it. No matter how much they are into mortgage or how appealing your ad is, there is always the chance of them scrolling away from it.

Don’t take it personally, there are a lot of reasons for it. Your ad might have caught them on a wrong time, they are busy, not using their own computer, not connected to a stable internet, and so on.

So, retargeting your Facebook ads should always be on the table. This means that you shouldn’t make them a one-time exclusive offer. Instead, you keep on showing them to the people who already had scrolled past them.

Remember, every time they see your ad, the more curious they get. It is only a matter of time before they will put in the effort to click on your ad and get to know what it is all about. As they say, in marketing, persistence is key. That’s how to get mortgage leads!

Use Facebook Lookalike to Effectively Widen Your Market

The wider your market, the more likely you are going to find leads. However, you don’t want to spend too much resources on people who have no potential of becoming leads. You need to find a sweet spot and Facebook provides that option.

With the help of Facebook Lookalike audiences, you are able to widen your marketing crowd. What it does is use characteristics of current clients to search for new potential ones. So, while your market does increase, you still have that strong guarantee for them to turn out as leads.

Nurture Your Facebook Leads

It needs to be said, mortgage lead hunting in Facebook is not a straightforward process. You don’t get them right there and then with the use of a single ad. Remember that people go to social media as a recreational outlet first, before anything else.

What does this mean? It means that nobody went there with the strong desire to request a mortgage ad. Especially since that platform wasn’t specifically meant for that.

Instead, they will see your ad and click on it. Comeback to it on a different occasion. Contemplate on the choices at hand and then eventually request a mortgage quote. All of that happens in a span of days, that is considering that they don’t stray away.

Accept the fact that everything doesn’t happen in the blink of ana eye. The sooner you realize that, the easier to prepare your patience and undertake all that is needed in nurturing your potential leads.

Throughout their journey, be always there for them. Because in between those days while they decide, there is always the potential for them to stray away. Either they found a different option or, they ultimately decided to forget about getting a mortgage.

That’s why Facebook should serve as a component of a bigger picture. It should go along with other strategies such as lead magnets and automated emails in order to effectively nurture your leads.

Use Facebook’s Multiple Communication Channels to Get Mortgage Leads

Always consider the bigger picture. While there may be people who will prefer filling out inquiry forms, some feel more secured when everything is addressed through a call.

Not everybody is the same. If you want to invite in more leads, you will want to appeal to the taste of every person. When you are in Facebook, you can do all of that in one place.

There is something for people who want to chat. You also have voice call or video call, along with comments, polls, and forms. Make sure to take advantage of all the communication channels available in the platform. Because the wider the options of reaching out to you, the more likely somebody will.

Is Facebook Mortgage Lead Hunting What You Need?

There are a lot of mediums to look for mortgage leads and Facebook is one of them. With its massive number of users and with all that you can do on the platform, it creates a recipe for the most ideal place to hunt for leads.

So, it is no longer a question of whether or not it is what you need, but rather, how can you implement it? Because no matter how great and wide the opportunities are, it all boils down to effective strategies to make the most out of it.

If you don’t know where to start or what it takes, what you need is the help of the best digital marketing agency. Contact us today for a free strategy consultation that will fit your needs.

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