The psychological concept of making people feel that they are losing out on something is a common marketing tactic. You’ve seen it done in different industries; you just don’t realize it. In theory, the more limited the supply is, the more attractive it gets. This is what’s called scarcity, but how to create scarcity in law firm marketing?

With no physical product, how do you make your clients feel that they are losing out on something? How do you create the concept of scarcity in lawyering services?

Indeed, it is tricky, but it is not impossible. To save you the hassle of brainstorming, here is a list of the ways you can implement scarcity in your law firm marketing.

“Discount for the First Clients” or “Don’t Miss this Great Price”

These great lines and different similar ones are one way to make your clients feel that they are missing out. It implies that the price offer is limited which psychological urges a person to make a decision immediately.

“Hired 15 Times in the Past Month”

Emphasizing how many times you have been hired in a certain time frame gives an idea on how much you are in demand. It leads your potential clients to think that they have to make a decision now, otherwise, somebody might get to you first.

Show How Many People are Inquiring to Create Scarcity in Law Firm Marketing

On your website, show how many people are looking or are inquiring about your service. The idea is that you give the impression that you are rapidly being sought out, that your service is limited. When that situation is created, it urges a client to see you as a valuable service and that a decision must be made as soon as possible.

Emphasize When You are Hired (“We are Hired for the Month”)

When your schedule is packed, you can keep silent and just prevent clients from booking your service. However, you can also emphasize how much they have missed out. The latter is great for creating scarcity.

On your website, put the words “We are Packed for the Week” in large and bold letters. Follow it with “Try inquiring next week”.

It tells your clients one thing: “we are busy and our services are scarce. Want to hire us? Make sure to do it as early and as soon as possible”.

How to Create Scarcity in Law Firm Marketing: Emphasize When You are Available (“We are Still Open for Next Week”)

Putting it out there when you are still available still creates scarcity. By saying when you can still be booked, it gives the impression that clients need to make a fast decision because it might only be the one that they are going to get.

Emphasize When You are Back (“Our Schedule Has Opened Again”)

So, you put out last week that you are completely packed and now you are free again? Make sure that people know that.

Potential clients who were looking at you last week now get the opportunity that they are waiting for. So, they immediately make their decision, not wasting a scarce opportunity.

24-Hour Inquiry Deadline Creates Scarcity in Law Firm Marketing

Make it imperative that you don’t have until the end of time to address your clients. If they make an inquiry and you replied, they only have 24 hours to respond. Otherwise, they will be placed at the back of the line.

The idea is, “you either hire us or you don’t because we are busy”. It may sound arrogant, but that how scarcity works. You need to emphasize that you are a limited service to increase your value in the eyes of your clients.

Incentives, Freebies, and Discounts for a Time Period

It doesn’t matter how you say it. There is only one message it sends to clients “we provide more, so we are going to be sought out more”.

You not only make it apparent that you are a scarce service, but you are also emphasizing that your clients get a little bit more than what they are paying for. And who can resist that?

Why Learning How to Create Scarcity in Law Firm Marketing is Important

Most people would think that it is counterproductive. How can making it difficult for clients to hire you gain you more clients and sales? Apparently, it is all in the mind. You need to factor in the psychology of the human brain that always wants what is little in supply.

It can give the impression that when something is sought out and is less in demand, it is more important. In another perspective, it creates the sense of urgency to make a decision in order not to lose out on something. Regardless of how it works, the bottom line is, creating scarcity on your law firm marketing strategy is effective.

The biggest challenge is implementing it the right way and it is not easy if you are not an experienced marketer. Fortunately, you can always seek out the service of the best digital marketing agency. Contact us today for a free strategy consultation.

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