
Digital Marketing


At some point in your Saas sales, you are going to find yourself on a stump. Low lead generation and customer conversion. It is a common thing, but don’t get too disappointed because that is the challenge with Saas. Conventional marketing strategies don’t work with them and their sales life cycle is much more complex and erratic. That doesn’t mean that you should just settle with these results. There are ways to work around these hurdles and achieve success. As a matter of fact, 10 of them.

1. Keep Your Trials Short For Increased Saas Sales

The tip speaks for itself. Extensively long trial periods for Saas causes customers to procrastinate. The more they put learning the service on hold, the more likely they are going to forget. As a matter of fact, on average, most people immediately leave after using your product in less than three days. 

The key here is to decrease your trial period. Your free service should not be more than 14 days. With this, your potential customers are much more likely going to treat the trial period more seriously. You are urging them to learn it as soon as possible, preventing them from forgetting that it is there in the first place.

2. Faster Saas Sales Through Lower Customer Acquisition Cycle

They always say that be persistent on a potential client. While that may be true, learn to close a deal as soon as possible and know when to cut your losses. Not everybody you come across with can be a potential customer that you can persuade into using your Saas. 

When setting your acquisition period, set a maximum of three weeks. Anything beyond that is a guarantee that they have no interest and are not likely to acquire your Saas. Instead, immediately move on to a different potential client. 

3. Persuade in the Least Time Possible

Every sale capitalizes on persuasion. Consistent efforts to get a potential customer to look at your product increases the chances of Saas sales. However, keep in mind that you don’t have forever.

Keep your persuasion period short. The less time you allot and the more comprehensive you are with your convincing, the more likely for a client to understand what you have to sell. Most of the time, an extensive sales cycle period can cause cold feet on the side of the customer. So, secure Saas sales as soon as possible.

4. Retention VS Acquisition

Your existing customers are as important as your new ones. So, don’t ever forget about them. Even if they are paying for your services, there is no saying when they will decide to stop. Always keep an eye on them and work on retaining their subscription. 

As a Saas company, listen to their demands and suggestions. They are going to voice out new features they want and improvements. Even the slightest cosmetic change can make a huge difference in the satisfaction of a user. A company that learns to value and provide to its customers cannot be beaten no matter how great the offerings are from the competition.

5. Engage! Ask For Feedback and Ask How are Things Going.

Making Saas sales is not just about marketing the features of your product. Don’t settle with just that. Most likely, your potential client knows what you have to offer especially if they are already using the trial period. What they want is somebody who is following up in their progress.

Engage with your potential customers. Ask them for their feedback and how things are going. Don’t forget to check on them if they have questions or aspects they don’t understand. Most of the time, there are things they can’t seem to find or comprehend. Being that helping hand will allow them to use the Saas to its full potential and ultimately see its entire worth.

6. Boost Average Revenue Per User

As a Saas company with more than one product, always offer new services to existing customers. If one already has a subscription for product A, constantly email and offer products B, C, and E. 

Already seeing their activity, you already know which new Saas they are likely going to be susceptible to. Marketing is also going to be relatively easier as they have a higher affinity for a company they are already associated with. While this may not count as generating a new customer, you are increasing revenue per user.

7. Improve Your Email Campaign to Increase Saas Sales

Your emails are going to be what’s going to remind your potential customers that you exist. If your emails are not being classified as spam, you are doing it wrong. The more you send, the more you remind and persuade your potential client into Saas sales. 

While it may seem intrusive and ineffective to send nonstop emails, it actually isn’t as long it is of value. Use an email that is named under a person instead of a department. When you give the impression to a potential client that they are in contact with a person, the more likely they are going to engage and give the email attention.

8. Saas Sales are Dependent on Activity-Based Emails

While flooding your potential clients is a great start, also make sure that your emails lead to something bigger. Always attach some sort of call-to-action. Link a form where they can start the free-trial, a page where they can learn more, or better yet, where to contact for a more specific quotation.

Your emails are not going to have an impact on your sales if it is just going to be informative. You must urge them to act on your offer by making it readily available to click.

9. Understand Your Customers

A person that has no intention of subscribing to your service is going to look and sound the same as someone who just needs persuasion. There is no way to differentiate the two. However, you can narrow it down simply by understanding them. Find an avenue to be able to connect with your potential customers. Call them and beat around the bush on what kind of customer they are. 

When you learn which ones have potential, you are able to concentrate your resources effectively. You are able to provide what a client wants to hear that will ultimately convert their interest into Saas sales.

10. Never Devalue Your Worth

Discounts, lowering your prices, and promos. These are just some of the commonly practiced ways to invite potential customers. While it may seem logical, it is not as effective as you would think. Value is determined by what you provide, not how you price it. Put a proper price on your Saas and sell it that way, never devalue yourself.

Have you ever wondered why luxury brands are still at the top despite being very expensive? Because they know their market and their worth. Remember that the people who use Saas are ones that are already in the market for it. They are willing to pay a price. They are not looking for the cheapest, instead they are searching for the best. Bringing down your price will only devalue your brand and raise questions on the confidence of your services.

In conclusion

Definitely, some of these tips are contradictory to conventional marketing strategies with retail products. That is the reality. Saas are quite different from other industries. The product doesn’t sell itself and the customers are a niche. To say the least, it is not the easiest task to achieve Saas sales. As a matter of fact, companies hand over the responsibility to Saas sales representatives.

There are two ways you can approach Saas sales, either you do it yourself or take the easy road by looking for the best online marketing agencies. Contact us today for a free strategy consultation.

Looking at the market, there are a wide range of products and services. Mobile phones, for example, have high-end and low-end variations, but they all perform the same purpose. What companies are doing is providing a choice for every customer. When selling items that are at the higher end of the price spectrum, it is what is called high-ticket sales.

What are High-Ticket Items?

Generally, high-ticket items are those that are of high price and value. With that being said, these products are harder to sell with a much more specific target audience. The market for the budget-friendly Toyota is much bigger than their sports car option, the Toyota Supra. 

When businesses sell cheaper options, it is the customer who does the research and buying. The company doesn’t have to do much to market it, but the same cannot be said for high-ticket items. Customers need to be presented and convinced that a highly priced product is worth their money.

High-Ticket Sales Funnel Strategy

While creating high-ticket sales might be hard, it is a need for a lot of businesses. When something costs a lot, then it generates a big profit. Therefore, the question is not if you should be making high-ticket sales, but how you should do it? It is basically a two-step process.


When presenting a person with two different cars with different price tags, they usually go for the cheaper one. It may cut corners on some features but if it has everything they need, then why should they go for the more expensive option? 

What you are going to want to do is get them interested. Give them something that would make them take a look at the high-ticket item. How does it feel, the build quality, and every small detail that will make the product look like it is worth its price. 

In big companies, you usually see this in the form of events. Apple always has their press conference every time they release a new product. Even before the product goes live, they start to leak out small details to the media to generate widespread interest. 

For smaller businesses, this part comes in the form of webinars, live events, and even as simple as a feature in their website’s landing page. As long as it puts the spotlight on what sets it different, it generates audience impact and gains their attention.


The next step is to make sure that your interested audience stays that way until they make a purchase. Hooking them into what you have to offer and preventing them from looking at everything else is key in achieving your high-ticket sales.

Unlike the interest step, this comes in a lot more forms and is a little bit harder. Looking at bigger companies like Samsung, what they do is have a pre-order event for their high-end devices. When people put down an initial deposit, it is likely that they will push through with the purchase.

Another commonly practiced strategy are follow up emails. Companies will send you reminders on the new product, what you are missing, and the likes. This will keep you informed and consistently interested until you make a purchase. 

What differentiates the hook from the interest stage is it is what reinforces the decision of the customer. They are likely going to go back and forth between options so you assure them that they are on the right track. 

High-Ticket Sales Proven Strategies

It’s time to move from concepts to real world applications. Do these high-ticket sales funnel strategies really work in real world scenarios? They do and are proven by both big and small companies in their different product lines.

Tesla’s High-Ticket Sales Funnel Strategy

For sure you have heard about the electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla Motors. Then you know that they are the pioneer in electric vehicle technology and that they revolutionized the industry. In a time when gas-powered cars are what’s in demand, they took a leap of faith. Fast forward 12 years later and the company is worth $47.2 billion dollars.

Despite their relatively more expensive offerings in the market, they have received widespread success. Everything is all thanks to their consistently successful high-ticket sales strategy. 

Taking a look at how they marketed their Tesla Model 3, it started with generating widespread interest. Customers wanted to know more about an electric vehicle that was better and more luxurious than the average gas-powered counterpart. They then followed it with a live webinar during its launch, further getting people more interested. To hook them in, at the end, viewers could put down a down payment for a preorder. 

As early as the preorder, Tesla made $14 billion from a $1,000 deposit per customer. While not everybody will push through with it, the high-ticket sales funnel strategy ensures to maximize the number of leads that are converted into customers.

Trek Bikes Generates High-Ticket Sales

Trek Bikes is a company that sells high-end customizable performance bicycles. Their prices can go as high up to $12,000. For a bicycle, that’s a price that most are not willing to pay for, even for people who have the money. However, they still manage to make great sales generation through their own variation of high-ticket sales funnel strategy.

Just like with every strategy, it starts with generating interest. Their preferred method is with a landing page that features their products and a mission-vision as to what sets them different from the competition. It is through their landing page where they gather information for the next step.

Trek Bikes repeatedly email potential customers on what they are missing out. The adventures along with pictures of happy customers with their personalized bikes. Along with it is a sign-up form to make a purchase.

The strategy is effective because it shows interested people on what they are most likely going to want to do with their bikes. Before long, that doubt is solidified into a full on decision of making a purchase.

High-Ticket Sales by Winning International

Established in 2014, Winning International provides coach-to-coach services that serves to help leaders to grow their business. The first part of their marketing strategy is through paid Facebook ads. They generate interest by captivating people in the social media world about what they have to offer through a free report.

When people reach the landing page of Winning International, they are directed to a free call and consultation. Then that progresses to a thank you page along with another call which urges potential customers to seek for the paid service. At this point, they have experienced what the company can offer, it is only a matter of paying to have more.

In Conclusion

High price doesn’t necessarily mean products not getting sold. Similarly, you don’t have to find the cheapest items to sell in order to be successful in your business. There is always a market for both economical and luxurious products, it’s just a matter of how to find the right customer. 

If you think this is hard, there is a shortcut. Get in touch with the best marketing company. Contact us today for a free strategy consultation.

Marketing strategies have evolved throughout the years and it should be. People’s preferences are constantly changing especially with the dawn of social media. It has become the biggest platform for marketing, both paid and free. Along with it comes a new job known as a social media manager.

What is A Social Media Manager?

The person mainly responsible for curating your social media accounts is your social media manager. Whether it may be Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, they create and design how your pages are going to look. This includes creating and choosing the right photos, themes, and aesthetic.

They come up with your social media marketing campaign. Everything from what to post and when to post it. It is their key role to keep your accounts active and engaging to cultivate an audience and positive branding.

It is also crucial for them to look into the statistics. How far was the reach? What were the hindrances that led to the results? What could be improved? How can a campaign be saved? These are going to be questions that a social media manager needs to come up with answers.

Must-have Social Media Manager Skills

When talking about skills, these are what your social media manager can do. With the vast and vague work that they have, they need to be equipped in a number of tools. We broke them down one-by-one.


A skill that is not just specific to social media managers, but to every profession related to marketing. If you want to catch the attention of your audience, you have to be well-equipped in forging your words. In social media, this skill is a prerequisite in aspects like making tweets, posts, and captions for your photos and products.

Check Graphic Design Skills in A Social Media Manager

Every great social media page is going to need photos. So, it is essential that your social media manager is capable of using one type of photo editing software. The most common would be Photoshop, but anything would do as long as it allows high quality graphic editing and production. 

Video Editing

Videos are another way to create widespread engagement in your social media pages. In order to do so, you are going to look out for experience with at least one type of video editing software. Remember that the quality of your videos will impact your branding. The higher the production quality, the stronger your influence.

Customer Support and Engagement is An Important Social Media Manager Skill

Since this is a social media account, your audience is going to try to reach you. It could be through a message, email, mention, or comment. There are a lot of forms of engagement in social media and you are going to want to engage your audience. The question is, who answers all of those? Again, it is the social media manager, which makes customer engagement an essential skill.


Success doesn’t immediately come in social media marketing. Therefore, it is essential to track data and progress. Analyze what material has penetration to your audience. Understand what content and quality is likely going to be shared and engaged. Create a demographic for your followers to optimize social media marketing campaigns. 

Social Media Manager Must-Have Traits

What differentiates a trait from a skill is that it is an innate feature of a person that determines how efficient they are going to use a skill. Therefore, traits are as important as skills. Simply put, what are you going to do with someone who is well-versed with Photoshop but is not creative? So, here are the traits that your social media manager must have.


Cliche as it may sound, every social media manager should be hardworking. Audience engagement is going to come in around the clock. As a result, they are going to have to put in a lot of work hours into the profession and be at their best during those times. 

Creative Social Media Manager

Everybody in the field of marketing needs to be creative. It is the most essential trait that cultivates an engaging and attention-seeking marketing campaign. From the photos to be created and used to copywriting, everything needs a vast amount of creativity to stand out from the competition.


What makes the audience tic? What do they like and how do they like it being presented? Do they want articles or would rather see more photos? A constantly questioning social media manager is going to be able to make better changes to the marketing campaign. It will allow a constantly improving effort that will provide better reach and more engagement. 

A Social Media Manager that Solves Problems

Most employees would rather settle for the bare minimum of their work. However, that is not an option for social media managers. They need to understand the problem at hand and find ways to provide a solution. There will always be something to improve on as well as problems to solve. So, someone who is eager to get to the bottom of each is someone you are surely going to want.

Business Savvy

At the end of the day, you are still running a business. All those engagements and followers are not going to mean anything if they don’t make a purchase. Therefore, other than creating active social media platforms, your manager should also integrate the marketing campaign in a way that will turn your leads into customers. 

Your Social Media Manager Must Be Able to Adapt

It is not possible to completely understand people. No matter how much psychological concepts you apply, your audience can still possibly act beyond what you expect. When it does happen, your social media manager must be fast to act. If one opinion no longer sells, they must be fast to have a smooth transition to another.

What Role Does A Social Manager Have in Your Success?

Social media is now the highest form of marketing. It is free in most cases and it is the most readily available platform that customers can reach out to. As a result, not having one can mean losing out on a huge customer market. 

Alternatively, your social media manager makes sure that your pages are constantly found. It is an effort that creates new followers everyday which opens up the possibility for more customers. Ultimately, it is your social media manager that holds a huge role in the growth of your market. 

It is not just great to have them, but a necessity. However, if you think that it might be too much of a hassle to handle, we suggest you take the easier path. That’s right, you can skip all the hard parts by looking for the best social media marketing agencies. Contact us today for a free strategy consultation.

An era of choice. That is what a lot of people would describe this time. Almost everything is at the palm of our hands. We don’t want to get handed with anything, instead we want to choose what’s best for us. This is the reason why conventional marketing strategies no longer fit today’s demographic, and so comes content marketing. Along with the dawn of a new type of strategy comes a new form of profession, content marketing manager.

What is Content Marketing?

The idea of content marketing has been around for quite a while. You might have gotten into a website and experienced its results first hand, you just didn’t know it. In its core, content marketing is creating value for your brand by producing quality content related to your industry.

Still confused? For example, if you are running a shoe brand, you create content that aims to help your audience such as how to choose the right shoe, different types of footwear, and so on. By being the helpful guide that you are, a customer is likely to be more inclined to purchase your products.

When you compare this to conventional marketing strategies which involves showing people what they don’t need through ads, this is the more economical strategy. You are creating content for people who are already in the market to seek your products. What happens is that you don’t end up investing in a strategy that is aimed on people who have no affinity to approach your brand.

Content marketing pillars on the concept of putting value on your brand. The more helpful content you produce, the more valuable you become, with or without your products. Once you have generated customer trust and loyalty, converting leads to customers is a simple task.

Want to go further deeper into strategies that help build your brand value? You might want to check inbound marketing strategies.

What Do Content Marketing Managers Do?

You now see the value of content marketing, but you don’t know where to start. You might be wondering how to begin your campaign or what you should be preparing first. Let this be said as early as now, content marketing is a technical task performed by experienced professionals. The same goes for inbound marketing.

Mastering content marketing cannot be done overnight, nor by reading through articles on the internet. So, if you are starting a business and want to implement content marketing strategies, the fastest way would be getting yourself a content marketing manager.

A lot of tasks fall under this role including content planning, strategy implementations, and data analysis. From conceptualizing what to create and how to create it to how it performs, that all falls under the content marketing manager.

They start with creating a content marketing plan. It contains the series of materials to be created through a period of time. This is the most crucial part. One article or video isn’t enough. It should be supplemented by followup content to emphasize the goal and value that you are creating. 

Once plans are laid out, the next thing would be for the content marketing manager is to ensure that every detail is followed. In the event that things don’t work out as expected, it is their job to come up with appropriate solutions. 

Last but not the least, the content is published and its performance is tracked and monitored. How does it stack up in search engine results? Is it generating traffic? What should be done to improve the reputation of the said content? All of these must be answered by the content marketing manager. 

The Ideal Content Marketing Manager

Knowing how extensive and crucial the role of a content marketing manager is, it is important to find the best one. Unfortunately, there is no one criterion to look at. The profession is a mixture of tasks. Flexibility and versatility in a lot of of fields is a must. Fortunately, we broke things down to three areas.


When talking about experience, you don’t necessarily have to look at the time they have spent as a content marketing manager. Most of them didn’t start out as such but instead began their experience in other professions. This includes being an SEO specialist, content writer or producer, and data analyst. The wider the set of specialties a content marketing manager has, the better they are going to be. 


There is no degree that will train a person on how to become a content marketing manager. Nevertheless, there are professions that will give them an edge and be better with their work. This includes those who have majored in business management or marketing.

Even if a content marketing manager has a degree that is quite distant, it is still something to look at. Any higher educational attainment reflects an individual’s professionalism, hard work, and flexibility. As a matter of fact, 59% of content marketing manager job listings require at least a bachelor’s degree.

Skills and Expertise

With how extensive the responsibilities of a content marketing manager is, they should be equipped in a number of skills and expertise. From planning and creating content to knowing what and how to use tools to track web traffic progress.

A content marketing manager should have a strong grasp of the language of the market they are targeting. Since this is the internet, search engine optimization is another important skill. Lastly, data analysis via Google analytics is a must to monitor the success of the content. 

Responsibilities of A Content Marketing Manager

We repeatedly said that the responsibilities of a content marketing manager is extensively wide, but what are they? What does each represent in the success of the overall marketing campaign? To answer those questions, we broke them down into seven categories.

Research and Competitor Analysis

The first step to every successful marketing campaign is knowing what to write. Understand the target demographic and realize where the competition is lacking. It is the job of the content marketing manager to make all these necessary research. This is the first and most crucial step that will determine whether or not your marketing campaign will succeed.

Making Content Marketing Plans

One type of content is not enough. A content marketing campaign involves a series of material that will get the attention of your audience and then hook them in. With that being said, this is not just about making content, but continuously providing what is needed. 

Unless there is a laid out plan on what and when to create, things could easily get disorganized. Failing to provide your audience the material they need during a specific stage can ultimately cause them to lose interest. 

Preparing an Editorial Calendar

All types of content need to be revised at some point. It is not that it’s not good, it’s just that your audience are going to want something different down the road. Providing them with something they already know but presented in a different way with some new information reinforces their belief that they have learned a lot and is still continuously learning more. 

Just like creating content, editing should be completely strategic. How and when something is revised should be carefully planned. The new material should then be delivered during a specific period to your audience.

Content Creation

There is no content marketing strategy if there is no content to begin with. This is where everything is going to pivot, making it the single most important aspect of your campaign. However, it is not going to be easy.

For example, creating blogs is not just being good with the language of your target audience. It is also about knowing how to present your ideas that it will be perceived positively. Concepts like the golden circle and the buyer’s guide have a huge role to play in connecting with your audience.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Your content is only as good as the attention it receives. This means that unless it gets seen, how great your content is not going to matter. Your web traffic is not going to be based on the quality of your work but on how it ranks in search engine results to be seen for people who are in need of your brand. 

Making sure that your content ranks high is the work of the content marketing manager. Achieving this involves the use of a mixture of SEO and publication tools. Though, the hardest part is that search engines update their criteria regularly which means it is a continuous and complex learning cycle.

SEO is not just a part of content marketing, but it is a necessity for online marketing regardless of what strategy you implement. Even in inbound marketing, SEO is one of the 6 core marketing principles.

Publishing and Promoting Content

The next job of the content marketing manager is publishing the content. Putting them in websites as guest posts or simply on the brand website. The next thing would then be promoting them.

To get the exposure that your content needs, your content marketing manager needs to take the necessary steps to promote it. This includes having influential social media groups share it and finding effective advertisement avenues. Instagram and Facebook are just some of the platforms with cost-efficient promotion choices.

It is quite a complex step. There are a lot of avenues available. Therefore, it is a constant problem on which ones will have the best return on investment. For the inexperienced, this task can be overwhelming, but not for the skilled content marketing manager.

Performance Monitoring

Knowing how your content is performing is a crucial aspect in content marketing. You just can’t keep on creating and publishing, not knowing whether or not you are being effective. It is possible that despite the barrage of content on your audience, none is hitting the mark and you are not gaining yourself the attention you thought you would.

Monitoring the performance of your content allows you to understand which ones you should be concentrating on. It allows you to see which have higher penetration on your target demographic. It also gives you the opportunity to see what you are doing wrong and build from that for consistent improvement.

Among the things that are being monitored are web traffic. How many people are visiting your website? It can be either that your content is so helpful that readers have the tendency to share it or it is working fairly well in SEO. 

Another would be engagement. How many visitors have the tendency to leave a comment, message the brand, or simply share the content? While web traffic is great, engagement shows the population that is likely going to be customers.

Do You Need A Content Marketing Manager?

You now know the responsibilities of a content marketing manager, but you think to yourself: do I actually need one? 

Your dilemma revolves around your desire to save on money and learn everything all by yourself. Despite that being actually a possible choice, you might want to reconsider. Content marketing managers have a specific role in your operations and there is a lot to benefit from it.

Organizes Workflow

Unless you want to do all the planning yourself, you are going to want to have a content marketing manager. As a business owner, you already have a lot on your hands. You are likely going to find it difficult to squeeze in content marketing strategies in your busy schedule. 

To have an organized workflow in your marketing campaign, you might want to delegate it to a specific person. Someone who is both skilled and an expert of it so that the only thing you have to do is check on the progress.

Minimizes Business Owner’s Burden

Looking at the duties of a content marketing manager, you can definitely say there is a lot to work on. As a matter of fact, maybe a little bit too much. To say the least, it takes one person to do it all, but that might even be an understatement. Depending on the campaign, a content marketing manager might even find it hard to cope up with all the demands and deadlines.

Now, imagine yourself being in that position with all the workload you already have as a business owner. The responsibilities of a content marketing manager doesn’t just add to your work, it doubles it up. 

Effective Marketing Campaigns

It is always best to leave everything to the professionals and that applies to content marketing managers. If you don’t know what you are doing, you are likely going to waste both time and money on your campaign. To make things worse, failure is not going to be all that apparent. Before you know that you are not doing a great job, you have already done and spent a lot.

The importance of seeking the help of a professional is much more if you are just starting out your business. Your financial resources aren’t all that much and you need to make the best out of every penny. Content marketing managers make sure that you are getting your money’s worth by ensuring the efficiency of your marketing campaigns. They guarantee that you only have to spend once to get the success you are looking for.

Marketing shouldn’t break your bank, especially if you are running a retail store. There are a lot of free avenues to put your brand name out there. Here’s 21 of our top picks.

Content Marketing Manager vs Content Creator

A common question we usually get is what’s the difference between a content marketing manager and a content creator. If you already have the latter, is it really necessary to hire the former?

If you are quite tight on the budget, it might be tempting to rely your content marketing campaign on your content creator alone. However, that is not going to be the best choice. Content marketing managers specialize not just on content but making sure that it is a successful one. What this means is that they have the skills a content creator is not going to have.

Content creators are only good with what their title suggests, but when it comes to marketing, promoting, and tracking, it’s a completely different story. Not all content creators understand the concept of SEO. Same goes for Google analytics and the idea of a content marketing campaign in general.

In Conclusion

No matter what angle you look at it, content marketing managers are not something you should skimp on when wanting to implement a content marketing campaign. They are the most crucial ingredient in the success of your strategy and for good reasons. Their skills and expertise don’t just guarantee a successful marketing plan, but one that is completely effortless and convenient on your side as the business owner.

Jump start your online marketing campaign with the help of the best online marketing agencies. Contact us today and get a free strategy consultation.